ShowingHero Mojo Helpdesk Processes

Questions for Settings: How to upload recorded audio for my Company Listings Phone Number?

To upload new audio for your Company Listings Phone Number, follow these steps: Go to Settings >> Account Settings >> Phone Settings. Click on the "Upload New mp3 Audio" button. Select an mp3 file to upload and click on the "Save" button. You have the option to use your own voice, hire a pro...

Question for Communication: Who has the option of selecting 'Do Not Send Email' or 'Do Not Send Text' in the communication settings?

Here are the permissions for different account holders regarding email notifications:Property Manager: They can select the 'Do Not Send Email' and or 'Do Not Send Text' option for prospect, occupant, and company notifications. Agents with Administrative Levels: They can choose the 'Do Not ...

How to connect ShowingHero support

You can reach out to our dedicated ShowingHero team at for any inquiries, concerns, or general questions.This email address is exclusively reserved for our esteemed clients, ensuring that our customer service remains top-notch and responsive to your needs.

What is Priority Status while adding the Agent?

When you add a new agent to your account, the system will prompt you to assign a 'priority status' for the agent. This priority status comes into play in certain scenarios:For instance, let's say both Agent A and Agent B have a priority level of 1. They have both created the same showing schedule...

All feedbacks for the particular property

To view feedback provided by prospects for properties, you have two options:Option 1: Feedback from Properties.  Log into your ShowingHero account. Navigate to the Properties section. Click on the "View More" button for the property you want to check. Then, click on the Feedback button to se...

How to update membership or edit/change credit card details?

Only Property Managers have access to edit their billing details by following these steps: Go to Settings. Click on Billing. From there, they will be able to update their membership, edit their credit/debit card information, and access other details related to their subscription.Please feel f...

Question for communication: How to edit the communication email and text message templates

Unfortunately, Text Message templates can not be edited, but to edit email templates in ShowingHero, follow these steps: Go to Communication > Email Templates. Click on the "Edit" button next to the template you want to modify. Make the necessary changes to the template text. Ensure not to m...

"Agent Showing": How to create a mini calendar?

This feature allows you to customize your calendar by creating agent showings on dates and times that work for you. To create an agent-showing schedule, go to Schedule > Create Mini Calendar. The following are the sections you'll need to complete to create your mini-calendar: Mini-Calendar Name...

Wait List feature

ShowingHero has a wait-list feature that ensures prospects are notified as soon as the agent creates new showtimes for a property. When this feature is activated, prospects will find a form on the property page where they can fill in their name and contact information. The system will then automa...

How to notify Occupants for Upcoming Showings

To add occupants' email addresses and configure notification settings for a listed property, follow these steps:Go to the "Properties" page and search for the address of the occupied property. Click on the "Edit" button next to the property listing to access the "Manage Property" page.On the "Man...

Where to see the all lockboxes details

To view all lockboxes assigned to your company's listings, follow these steps:Navigate to Reports >> Manage Lockboxes.This will redirect you to a page where you will see the following details for each lockbox: Lockbox serial numbers Lockbox Type Property address it is currently assigned to...

How can prospects select or change their communication preference?

Prospective tenants can select or change their communication preferences by going to their profile. They can access their profile by clicking on the three lines at the top right corner of their page and then clicking on their name.After accessing their profile, the prospect should click on the Ed...

How to change communication preference as a company

As a company, you can select your communication preference by accessing the account settings page.To do so, go to Settings >> Account Settings.Once you've opened the Account Settings page, scroll down until you reach the section labeled "General Settings." Here, you'll see radio buttons labeled "...

How to add Screening questions on ShowingHero.

To set up screening questions in your ShowingHero account, please follow these steps: Navigate to Settings and select Screening Questions. Click on the "Add Group" button to create a new group of screening questions. After naming the group, you'll be directed to a page where you can add indiv...

To set up a default application link or PDF for properties in ShowingHero

Property managers can include an online application link or a downloadable application document for each property under the "Property Settings" section. However, if the property manager does not want to add these application settings for each property, they can create a default application link o...

What happens when an agent or admin agent checks the "Do not send notification" checkbox?

When an admin or the main account holder selects the 'Do not send notification' checkbox next to an email template, that specific email will not be sent out for any property, regardless of the privilege status of the agent managing the property. This means that the notification preferences of the...

When an agent or client makes changes to email templates, which agents are affected?

If the main account holder makes any changes to an email template, these changes apply to all email templates regardless of the agent's privileges. This means that both admin agents and junior agents will notice the changes in their email templates. Additionally, these changes will also apply to ...

How can I enable a Self-tour schedule for my property?

To enable lockbox showings for a property, follow these steps:Log into your ShowingHero account, navigate to the "Properties" page, and search for the property's address.Click on the "Edit" button next to the property's address to access the "Manage Property" page.Scroll down to the "Self-Tour Se...

Viewing Completed Showings in ShowingHero

Instructions on how to view completed showings in Showing Hero. To see all completed showings, navigate to Showings >> Completed Showings. This page will display all completed showings within a specific time period. By default, the start date is set to one month before the current date, and th...

In the lockbox settings section, what is "Make Lockbox the Default View"?

If you have multiple showing types enabled, such as Agent Showing, Proposed Showing, and Self-Tour Showing, the default view will be the first option prospects see when they land on your property card.If you choose to make Self-Tour Showings the default view, the property page will look like this...

Pre-screening Questions and Error Message for Prospects

An agent can create screening questions for prospects to answer before scheduling a showing. Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are qualifiers that must be answered correctly before the prospect can proceed. Each qualifier question has a correct answer selected by the agent.If a prospect answe...

What is the maximum number of codes generated per lockbox?

The maximum number of unique codes generated per lockbox per day is 14. Whenever a prospect sends a serial number within these first 14 times, they will receive this text message and a corresponding email message:"Congratulations, your lockbox code is {Lockbox Code}. If you have any issues access...

Lockbox Default Access Hours

By default, the Lockbox is set to have showing access hours from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. The Codebox processing center sets this time, but clients can change it manually if needed.Clients can change the showing access window by following these steps: Enter the 6-digit Agent/Admin Code and press ENT...

Third-party agents or MLS agents can access and view properties using ShowingHero.

MLS Agent access allows external agents to access the property. ShowingHero provides access to MLS agents for clients upon request. This option can be enabled from Settings > Account settings by scrolling down and clicking "yes" and then save the settings. Once access is provided, the option of t...

Agent's Access

What authorities do the Property Manager, Admin agent, and Non-Admin Agent have?Property manager: PM has all the access to the system and account settings. They can view the account settings but cannot make any changes. Besides, they have access to the system.Admin Agent: All the properties are a...

How to change Agent, Vendor, and Shackle codes on codebox?

To change the Agent, Vendor, and Shackle codes on the CodeBox lockbox, please follow these instructions:Enter the 6-digit admin/agent code on the lockbox and press <ENTER>.Wait for 5 seconds until the screen displays "Select CMD:" at the top.To change the admin/agent code, press <4>. Enter your n...

How to the change time on a codebox

There are many times when a user (Prospect, Vendor/MLS agent, or anyone using a ShowingHero generated code) arrives at a property and tries the code they got on the CodeBox but they receive an "Entry Error" and therefore are unable to access the codebox to get the keys. This error may be because ...

Question for Settings : New agent has joined my company, how can I add him/her to the system?

If a new agent has joined your company and you need to add them to the system, follow these steps:Go to Settings >Agent settings.Click on the "Add Agent" button and fill in all the required details.Note that the Privilege Level has two options: Agent and Administrator Agent. Agents have limited a...

The Authorities of the Property Manager, Admin Agent, and Non-Admin Agents are as follows:

Property Manager, Admin agent, and non-admin agents have different authorities:Property Manager: The PM has full access to the system, including account settings, but cannot make changes to them. They have complete access to the rest of the system.Admin Agent: All properties are assigned to these...

How to enable your ShowingHero and Buildium integration

1. Log in to your Buildium account2. Click on Integrations3. Click on Marketplace4. Search for and click on the ShowingHero tile in the Marketplace or simply  click the following link: Once you are on the ShowingHero Buildium page, click on ...

How to Set-up your ShowingHero account on Appfolio

Here is how to set up your ShowingHero credentials in Appfolio so ShowingHero can magically convert your leads (guest cards) to scheduled showings, once again, no fingers lifted First, log in to Navigate to the Settings tab and select Account Settings and scroll down to Phone...

Why is important to automate your Leasing Process - ShowingHero

IntroductionAs a property manager or broker, you know that tenant vacancies can be costly. Not only do you lose out on rental income during the vacancy period, but it also takes time and resources to find a new tenant. The aim of this handbook is to help you understand the cost of tenant vacancie...

Property addresses for clients esp Canadian clients

If you are a Canadian client looking to get your properties set up in the best way possible, it is important to provide accurate property addresses. The way you enter the address information will depend on whether the property is a single-family residence or a multi-unit building. Here are the tw...

How vendors can access the property

Once a vendor has been added to the ShowingHero portal, they can gain access to a property by following these instructions: Locate the Codebox on the premises. Find the serial number on the Codebox. It is usually located on the front and back of the box, and is 8 digits long, typically startin...