Viewing Completed Showings in ShowingHero

Instructions on how to view completed showings in Showing Hero.

  1. To see all completed showings, navigate to Showings >> Completed Showings.
  2. This page will display all completed showings within a specific time period. By default, the start date is set to one month before the current date, and the end date is the current date. You can modify the start and end dates if you wish to view showings from a different time frame.
  3. You can also filter the results by entering the property address to view only the completed showings for that particular property.

For completed agent showings:

  1. Visit Showings >> Agent Showings.
  2. Click on the drop-down menu labeled "Sort by Status" and select "Completed." This will display all completed agent showings.

For completed Self-Tour showings:

  1. Go to Showings >> Self-Tour Showings.
  2. Click on the drop-down menu labeled "Sort by Status" and select "Completed." This will show all completed lockbox showings.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out at We're here to help.