Agent's Access

What authorities do the Property Manager, Admin agent, and Non-Admin Agent have?

Property manager: PM has all the access to the system and account settings. They can view the account settings but cannot make any changes. Besides, they have access to the system.

Admin Agent: All the properties are assigned to these agents. They can access the system except for Account settings and the billing module.

Non-Admin agent: These agents have very little authority. They can only view the properties assigned to them under View and Manage Properties. They can't import properties or add properties manually. These agents can't edit the properties, and they don't have the authority to request a code from the system under Reports > View Lockboxes. Modules access they have:

  1. Showings > Agent showing > Proposed Showings > Lockbox showings > Completed showings > Add manual showings
  2. Settings > Screening questions > Feedback questions
  3. Properties (only those assigned to them)
  4. Prospects
  5. Schedule > Create Mini Calendar > View mini calendar
  6. Communication > Email templates

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