Property Report
The property report shows a count of different values where the value can be the number of prospects who have shown interest in that property or the number of total showing inquiries for that property.
- Records can be filtered on the basis of a date range which can be selected from the Start Date and End Date. By default, the report is shown for a period of one month starting from one month prior to the current date.
- Select Property drop-down can be used to select if you want to see the report for a particular property. You can select multiple properties by ticking the checkbox available in front of the property address. This drop-down only has the properties which are available on the market. If you do not select any property from the drop-down, then the report is displayed for all the properties which are available on the market.
- Include Off-Market listings checkbox can be used to include the off-market properties in the report.
The property report presents the data in two formats.
- Graphical Representation: A multi-line colored graph is shown at the top of the report where every single line displays the trend of a particular data over the date range selected in the date filters.
- Tabular Representation: There are different columns shown in the report representing the data as mentioned by the column header label. Please find below the description of every data column displayed in the property report:
Property Address: This column displays the complete address of the property.
Available Since: This column displays the date when this property was added in ShowingHero for the first time. If the property was taken off-market, and then added back on the market, then the date, on which the property was added back on the market, will be shown.
Prospects: This column displays the number of prospects who have shown interest in the corresponding property within the date range provided in the date filters. The date on which the prospect is registered in ShowingHero can be different from the date on which the prospect has shown interest in the property. Example: Suppose a prospect was registered in ShowingHero on the date 02/23/2023 but did not schedule any showing for any property or did not apply for any property or did not do any inquiry via Phone IVR or via filling up the contact us form on third-party websites or did not contact a particular property agent from the property page or did not fill up the Wait List form for a particular property then 02/23/2023 will not be considered as the date on which interest is shown. If the prospect does any of the above-mentioned actions on 02/24/2023, then it will be considered as the interest shown date. So, if the start date is 02/25/2023 and the end date is 03/10/2023, then this particular prospect will not be taken into consideration as the interest shown is outside the date range selected. But if the start date is changed to 02/23/2023, then this prospect will be considered.
Total Completed Showings: This column displays the number of showings (both agent showings and self-tours) that were completed for the corresponding property within the date range provided in the date filters. A showing is treated as completed as soon as the end time of the showing is passed. Example: Suppose a showing was scheduled for the date 02/23/2023 at 04:00-04:30 PM, then the showing will be completed on 02/23/2023 at 04:30 PM. If the start date is 02/25/2023 and the end date is 03/10/2023, then this particular showing will not be taken into consideration as it was completed outside the date range selected. But if the start date is changed to 02/21/2023, then this showing will be considered.
Total Cancelled Showings: This column displays the number of showings (both agent showings and self-tours) that were canceled for the corresponding property within the date range provided in the date filters. Example: Suppose a showing was scheduled on the date 02/20/2023 for the date 02/23/2023, and the showing was canceled on 02/21/2023. If the start date is 02/22/2023 and the end date is 03/10/2023, then this particular showing will not be taken into consideration as it was canceled outside the date range selected. But if the start date is changed to 02/21/2023, then this showing will be considered.
Total Showing Inquiries: This column displays the number of showings (both agent showings and self-tours) that were scheduled for the corresponding property within the date range provided in the date filters. Example: Suppose a showing was scheduled on the date 02/20/2023 for the date 02/21/2023. If the start date is 02/01/2023 and the end date is 02/20/2023 or the start date is 02/22/2023 and the end date is 03/10/2023, then this particular showing will not be taken into consideration as it was scheduled for a date that is outside the date range selected. But if the end date is changed to 02/21/2023 or the start date is changed to 02/21/2023 respectively, then this showing will be considered.
Completed Self-Tours: This column displays the number of self-tours that were completed for the corresponding property within the date range provided in the date filters. A self-tour is treated as completed as soon as the end time of the self-tour is passed. Example: Suppose a self-tour was scheduled for the date 02/23/2023 at 04:00-04:30 PM, then the self-tour will be completed on 02/23/2023 at 04:30 PM. If the start date is 02/25/2023 and the end date is 03/10/2023, then this particular self-tour will not be taken into consideration as it was completed outside the date range selected. But if the start date is changed to 02/21/2023, then this self-tour will be considered.
Canceled Self-Tours: This column displays the number of self-tours that were canceled for the corresponding property within the date range provided in the date filters. Example: Suppose a self-tour was scheduled on the date 02/20/2023 for the date 02/23/2023, and the self-tour was canceled on 02/21/2023. If the start date is 02/22/2023 and the end date is 03/10/2023, then this particular self-tour will not be taken into consideration as it was canceled outside the date range selected. But if the start date is changed to 02/21/2023, then this self-tour will be considered.
Total Self-Tour Inquiries: This column displays the number of self-tours that were scheduled for the corresponding property within the date range provided in the date filters. Example: Suppose a self-tour was scheduled on the date 02/20/2023 for the date 02/21/2023. If the start date is 02/01/2023 and the end date is 02/20/2023 or the start date is 02/22/2023 and the end date is 03/10/2023, then this particular self-tour will not be taken into consideration as it was scheduled for a date that is outside the date range selected. But if the end date is changed to 02/21/2023 or the start date is changed to 02/21/2023 respectively, then this self-tour will be considered.
Feedback Received: This column displays the number of feedbacks received for the corresponding property showing within the date range provided in the date filters. Example: Suppose a showing was completed on 02/23/2023, but the feedback was provided on 02/24/2023. If the start date is 02/25/2023 and the end date is 03/10/2023, then this particular property showing feedback will not be taken into consideration as it was completed outside the date range selected. But if the start date is changed to 02/21/2023, then this property showing feedback will be considered.
Apply Now Clicks: This column displays the number of times the ‘Apply for this property’ button (irrespective of whether it is pressed from the property page or upcoming showings page or recently viewed properties page) is pressed for the corresponding property within the date range provided in the date filters. Example: Suppose a prospect pressed the ‘Apply for this property’ button on 02/23/2023. If the start date is 02/25/2023 and the end date is 03/10/2023, then this will not be taken into consideration as this event happened outside the date range selected. But if the start date is changed to 02/21/2023, then this event will be considered.
Property Page Views: This column displays the number of times the property page is visited by a unique user within the date range provided in the date filters. The uniqueness of the user is checked on the basis of the IP address from which the property page is visited. Example: Suppose a user visited the property page on 02/23/2023. If the start date is 02/25/2023 and the end date is 03/10/2023, then this will not be taken into consideration as this event happened outside the date range selected. But if the start date is changed to 02/21/2023, then this event will be considered.
View Feedback Details: This column displays an option to Export Feedback to a CSV file if the number of Feedback Received is greater than zero (0) within the date range selected.
You can Export the data shown in the tabular format to a CSV file by pressing the Export button provided at the top of the page.
You can press the Email Me button, which will open a dialog box where you can provide multiple email addresses (separated by a comma), and press the Submit button. The property report will be sent to the provided email address(es) on the first date of every month via email having attachments
- in the form of a PDF file with a graphical representation of the report
- CSV file with a tabular representation of the report
Please note that the data shown in the Property Report might not match the data shown in Prospect Report, Manage Prospects page, Agent Showings page, Self Tours page, and Completed Showings page. It is because all these displays data on the basis of different date values. We have created separate articles for all these pages. Please refer to those articles for more details.
If you have any doubts or concerns do not hesitate to email us at, will be a pleasure to answer all your questions.